Advanced Journal of Pharmacie and Life science Research

Advanced Journal of Pharmacie and Life science Research (AJPLR) ISSN 2454-3535 is an international peer reviewed quarterly published journal focused on review and research in Pharmaceutical and life science field.The aim of AJPLR is to encourage scientists, academicians and students to publish their experimental and theoretical details. AJPLR provides an advanced knowledge platform for the pharmaceutical and life science.

Jan-Mar 2024 | volume 8 | Issue 1


Urbanization refers to the population shift from rural to urban areas, “the gradual increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas”, and the ways in which each society adapts to the change. Urbanization leads to many challenges for global health and the epidemiology of infectious diseases. New megacities can be incubators for new epidemics, and zoonotic diseases. Urbanization is one of the main cause for the spread of disease in a more rapid manner
Vani Mamillapalli1*, Praneetha Kanajam1, Padma Latha Khantamneni2